Lesson 9 – B2 | Chinese Made Easy 轻松学汉语 第二册 第九课

9.1 听写 一 · Dictation A (for vocab 1 & text 1)
9.2 用所给句子编对话 Arrange the given sentences to make a dialogue (Workbook exercises 1.1)
9.3 用所给句子编对话 Arrange the given sentences to make a dialogue (Workbook exercises 1.2)
9.4 选择 Selection (use and meaning of “给” – Workbook exercise 2)
9.5 句子配对 Sentences Matching (Workbook exercise 5)
9.6 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given words (Workbook exercise 6)
9.7 连词成句 Arrange given words to make sentences (Workbook exercise 8)
9.8 听写 二 · Dictation B (for vocab 2 & text 2)
9.9 用 “穿、戴、带” 填空 Fill in blanks with “穿、戴、带” (Workbook exercise 12)
9.10 选择 Selection (use and meaning of “过” – Workbook exercise 13)
9.11 填量词 Fill in blanks with measure words (Workbook exercise 14)
9.12 用所给分句完成句子 Complete the sentence by matching parts (Workbook exercise 17)
9.13 选择 Selection (use and meaning of “得” – Workbook exercise 19)
9.14 给描述和图片配对 Match the descriptions with the picture (Workbook exercises 22)