Lesson 1 – B3 | Chinese Made Easy 轻松学汉语 第三册 第一课

1.1 听写 一 · Dictation A (for vocab 1 & text 1)
1.2 用所给词语完成句子 Complete sentences with given words (Workbook exercise 4)
1.3 “次”字练习 – 翻译 Translations with word “次” (Workbook Exercise 5)
1.4 写反义词 Write words with opposite meanings (Workbook exercise 6)
1.5 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given words (Workbook exercise 7.A)
1.6 根据1.5内容判断正误 True or False based on article in 1.6 (Workbook exercise 7.B)
1.7 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 10.A)
1.8 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 10.B)
1.9 听写 二 · Dictation B (for vocab 2 & text 2)
1.10 看图填空 Fill in blanks based on what you see in the picture (Workbook exercise 11)
1.11 “一点儿都” 练习 – 翻译 Translations with phrase “一点儿都” (Workbook Exercise 14)
1.12 句子配对 Match the questions with answers (Workbook exercise 16)
1.13 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 19)
1.14 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given verbs (Workbook Exercise 20)
1.15 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 21.A)
1.16 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 21.B)
1.17 连词成句 Arrange given words to make sentences