Lesson 12 – B2 | Chinese Made Easy 轻松学汉语 第二册 第十二课

12.1 听写一 Dictations ( for vocab 1 & text 1 )
12.2 完成句子 Complete the sentences (Workbook Exercise 3)
12.3 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given words (Workbook Exercise 20)
12.4 听写二 Dictation 2 ( for vocab & text 2 )
12.5 看图写词 Write phrases according to the picture shown (Workbook exercise 12)
12.6 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given words (Workbook Exercise 13)
12.7 选择 Selection (use and meaning of “就” – Workbook exercise 14)
12.8 连词成句 Arrange given words to make sentences
12.9 填空 Fill in blanks