Lesson 4 – B3 | Chinese Made Easy 轻松学汉语 第三册 第四课

4.1 听写 一 · Dictation A (for vocab 1 & text 1)

4.2 填动词 Fill in blanks with verbs (Workbook exercise 4)

4.3  填名词 Fill in blanks with nouns (Workbook exercise 10.A)

4.4 填动词 Fill in blanks with verbs (Workbook exercise 10.B)

4.5 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 12.A)

4.6 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 12.B)

4.7 听写 二 · Dictation B (for vocab 2 & text 2)

4.8 填空 Fill in blanks (Workbook exercise 13)

4.9 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 16)

4.10 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 18)

4.11 用所给词语填空 Fill in blanks with given words (Workbook exercise 19)

4.12 翻译 Translations (Workbook Exercise 22)

4.13 配对 Match the phrases (Workbook Exercise 23)

4.14 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 24.A)

4.15 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (Workbook exercise 24.B)

4.16 连词成句 Arrange given words to make sentences